Hi all,
Just a quick update to advise all that the beginnings of Tarana are underway. Base boards have been started and purchase of requirements have commenced. Still have to get a couple of code 75 catch points and all is good to start laying the track.
The control panel from CPD has arrived today, the cobalt point motors have been here for a week already as well. The only thing holding up a start is some free time. Will post some progress photo's in the next day or so. The intention is to give an weekly update from the time it starts to the time it is made operational, with the committed view of displaying at the Perth show in 2013, so I have 9 months to have it completed.
The base frame has been set up, thanks to Bunnings. I am using their pallet racking set to 900mm with the base boards at another 240mm on top.
Until the next update.