Saturday, 7 May 2011

Another one ready for revenue service, 600/700 Railcar set

Well I had recently purchased a Bergs Brass 600/700 class railcar set from Ebay.
After two weeks in the workshops, they were finally transfered to the western divison. The following photo and video is of its trial run at Wimbeldon. Sorry about the sound quality as the camera is a little old.
The correct sound files have be uploaded into the loksound yet as the sound are the 244 alco (I like the rattling donk).

All it needs then is some weathering, and she will be looking good running across the 'Hawkesbury" here in Perth at the annual show on the long weekend in 4 weeks time.


1 comment:

  1. Nice one Paul! Good to see (and hear) a 600 class running! Brings back memories of the Richmond line during the early '80s when my roster included quite a few trips out there. I am reminded of a story told by to me by one of the Richmond drivers of having to call out the NRMA when the 600 rostered on one of the early morning trains wouldn't start because the batteries had gone flat overnight!
