Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Full house at Thirroul loco and demise of Tarana

Hi guys,

Well another Perth AMRA show has come and gone, wallet's much lighter (as well as credit card - now to hide the bill)
A pretty good result for the group, with Deniliquen taking out the class 24 comp, plus another three minor placings in other categories. Unfortunatley, the diorama of the Roundhouse, didn't even rate a mention. Oh well, the feedback we got was overwhelming from both the public and modellers alike, so we will take that as a positive anyway.
Below are a couple of photo's from the show.

 Who would of thought, that there was over 10k sitting in the roundhouse, with a mixture of Brass, kits and RTR loco's and well over 1400 scale sheets of corrugated iron, Thanks Peter H, very much for your efforts with the roundhouse construction. Woolworth's will be wondering why their sales of Alfoil have suddenly dried up!!!!!!!!

 Shot of the roundhouse display and modelling desk, some of the guys did get a lot done over the weekend.
 Deniliquin at a quiet moment before the doors to the public were opened.

Rob showing the operation of the points levers.

The future for the roundhouse, well I have decided that Tarana will have to go!!!!!! With the roundhouse area being extended into a compressed yard of Thirroul being currently drawn up.

So I have decided that Tarana will be sold off. If anyone is interested, please drop us a line to discuss. I can send photo's and a list of inclusions to any interested parties.

Until the next update


  1. Congratulations Paul, a lot of work has gone into that roundhouse.
    Nice to see the NSW flag flying in WA

  2. Cheers Bob,
    The plan for the future is to exhibit a compressed Layout of Thirroul including the roundhouse at the Perth show in 2015.
    So if your planning a holiday around the start of June in 2015, we could always do with an extra operator at the show.

